Test Post - Hoppin John

Hoppin' John Soup
Today's hearty soup recipe: For a double-dose of good luck in the new year, try a soup version of Hoppin' John, the traditional food of 'good fortune' in the American South. It's packed with lucky black-eyed peas and for extra measure, lucky collard greens too. Low carb. A very hearty-tasting Weight Watchers 1 point, in both the Old Point system and the new Points Plus system.

Check your grocery store this week: it'll be selling big bunches of collard greens, it's a promise. That's because greens, especially collard greens, are traditional for New Years' -- who wouldn't mind a little more 'green' prosperity? Hoppin' John is a traditional beans 'n' rice dish, so that makes this Hoppin' John in a soup bowl, with collard greens for good measure.

It's a great soup for that long pause between Christmas and New Years, the one where we catch our breath and remember what the heavens must call 'relaxation'. But to be official, serve Hoppin' John on New Years, just to get things off to a good start. It can't hurt and it sure will taste good.

Regular Readers: With this recipe, I am experimenting with a new website feature I think you'll just love - unfortunately, there's no good way to test how it works on a test site, only on the live site. What "should" happen here is that you'll get the first half of the post, the photo and the introduction, then if you're interested, you'll be able to click through, as usual, to read the entire post, with a "read more" link or via the recipe title. Keep your fingers crossed, I'm hitting "publish". :-) Let me know how it works for you!
Continue to the Recipe ->>>


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